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The troubled frown on Gigi's face had by now disappeared and the next time the teacher passed her table, she found a smiling dimpled face looking up at her, with the wholel assignment completed.

In the little town called Hogen's Patch where Lillie Mae was born, they seemed to have found the answer to all of life's dilemma, so when Gigi stated her problem as the two girls stood in their usual meeting place that afternoon, Lillie Mae, without a moment's hesitation had the solution.

Now it seems that lillie Mae's sister had a friend whose friend's cousin obtained everything she wanted by just sitting for twelve hours without eating or talking. Lillie Mae's sister was always trying it, but she always broke the spell by either talking or eating.

"I know it's super, Gigi!" Just try it and I'm sure something will happen so that you wont be so lonely. I have intended to try it myself but up to now, have never had any big problem."

"But that's too simple Lillie Mae!" said Gigi doubtfully and she stopped walking and faced her, "I could start now and sleep until--let's see," she counted to twelve on her fingers, "Three in the morning and just--sleep through the spell."

"Oh hoppin' tadpoles!" screeched Lillie Mae with a sudden smile and jumping straight up in the air, "I forgot the most important part, you mustn't sleep!"

"Do you know of a time when the spell worked?" added Gigi rather anxiously.