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white horse. "If I do this everytime I see one," she demonstrated by hitting her right fist against the open palm of her other hand, "You're sure to have good luck."
    Gigi, almost dancing her excitement, left her friend at the door of her apartment building, after last minute instructions had been given her.
    She, noiselessly, let herself into their tenth floor apartment with the key, that she had recently been allowed to carry. Since her bedroom was off the foyer, it was not difficult to tiptoe pass the lime colored love seat and old mahogany table, that had been her grandmother's and enter her room unnoticed.
    Depositing her books on the bookshelf, that along with her desk and toy chest, occupied two sides of her room, she circled her little white bed with the blue checked coverlet and settled herself in a little red chair with its matching ottoman that had been her Daddy's last present. She was just getting comfortable when Christifina appeared in the doorway. Although the nurse was only slightly taller than Gigi her chubby body seemed to occupy the whole lower part of the doorway.
    "I didn't hear you come in Pet," she chuckled. "Did you have a nice day at school?" Not waiting for an answer, she continued, "There are some milk and cookies on the kitchen table. I'm going next door to talk to Lottie about the movie last night," and she was gone. 
    "That was as easy as one, two, three," thought Gigi as she snugged up into the soft corners of the chair and drew up her knees.