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"Oh! Oh! Ohooooo," wailed Christi and went running from the room. 
Gigi was beginning to enjoy herself.
Christi was back in a few moneys with Lucy, the cook next door, who, without a moment's hesitation, decided it was a case of apoplexy. She suggested that the nurse call Miss Hunt, while she watched for signs of fits which she was certain would start at any moment. 
Christi ran to the next room and dialed Aunt Nancy's office number. 
"I'm sorry but Miss Hunt left a few minutes ago," came the answer of the secretary to her inquiry. 
"Call your physician!" screamed Lucy. 
Needless to say that Gigi's heart began beating faster with everyone of Lucy's demands. 
Dr. Griffin was also out, but the nurse promised to give him the message as soon as he returned. 
"Oh dear, Oh dear me," sighed Christi returning to the room, wringing her hands and wiping the perspiration from her brow, although it really was not very warm. 
Lucy thought that the elevator boy, Oswald, could shed some light on how to find a doctor in the building and went off to fetch him, while her companion sat on the bed watching her charge, with sad eyes.
Gigi prayed that no doctor would be found in his office. 
"How can I ever keep this up until 3 a.m.," she thought. "If I had only hidden in the cellar."