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The Art Students League of New York 215 W. 57th St. ASL
New York, N.Y. 10019 Incorporated in 1878
August 1, 1967
Mrs. Burton G, Tremaine, Jr.
Miller Company
99 Center Street
Meriden, Conn.

Dear Mrs. Tremaine:

We have been in touch with Mr. James Rosenquist with a view to borrowing a painting for inclusion in an exhibition entitled "American Masters: Art Students League" to be circulated by the American Federation of Arts, between October 1967 and October 1968. The exhibition is an historical review of well-known artists associated with the Art Students League during the ninety-two years of its existence. Some of the artists of the forty-four to be included are Thomas Eakins, George Inness, Winslow Homer, William Merritt Chase, Robert Henri, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Thomas Hart Benton, Jackson Pollock, Adolph Gottlieb, Hans Hofman, Phillip Guston, John Marin, Roy Lichtenstien.

We hope to be able to include a work by Mr. Rosenquist in this significant exhibition. Mr. Rosenquist informs us that he would like to be represented by "Hey! Let's Go for a Ride" in your collection. He spoke to me today to say that he had spoken to you about this. 

We are planning a handsome catalogue with each picture in the exhibition reproduced on a full page, and a biographical and a critical report on each artist. The American Federation of Arts assumes all expenses connected with the assembly, transportation and preparation of loans for circulation. Since the exhibition is a large one it will go only to exhibitors (such as the Philadelphia Museum) in a position to handle large painting exhibitions. In between stops the exhibition will travel by van and will not go by Railway Express. Your painting would be insured under American Federation of Arts all-risk fine art policy "wall to wall".

I am inclosing two copies of a Loan Agreement form. The grey copy is for your file, the brown one should be completed, signed, and returned to the American Federation of Arts. Enclosed in a self-addressed prepaid envelope for this purpose.

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Telephone Circle 7-4510 • Exec. Director Steward Klonis

[Right Margin]

Charles H. Alston
Lennart Anderson
Robert Angeloch
Will Barnet
Arnold Blanch
Louis Bouché
Richard Bové
Robert Brackman
Raymond Breinin
Federico Castellon
Mario Cooper
Gregory d'Alessio
Worden Day
Jose De Creeft
Edwin Dickinson
Sidney E. Dickinson
Bruce Dorfman
William F. Draper
Thomas Fogarty
Arthur J. Foster
Dagmar Freuchen
Henry Gasser
Marshall Glasier
Peter Golfinopoulos
Stephen Greene
Maccabi Greenfield
Sidney Gross
John Groth
Nathan Cabot Hale
Robert B. Hale
Agnes Hart
Joseph Hirsch
John Hovannes
Morris Kantor
Ethel Katz
Nathaniel Kaz
Steven Kidd
Edward Laning
Julian Levi
Kay Lewis
Andrew Lukach
Vincent Malta
Fletcher Martin
Frank Mason
Earl Mayan
Richard Mayhew
Edward Melcarth
Seong Moy
Marven Newman
S. Edmund Oppenheim
Robert Philipp
Walter Plate
Michael Ponce de Leon
Larry Poons
Patricia Sherwood
Theodoros Stamos
Harry Sternberg
George Tooker
Willa Trafton
Vaclav Vytlacil
Sol Wilson

Walker G. Everett, President
Frank O'Conner,
Men's Vice-President
Lisa M. Specht,
Women's Vice-President
Michael Pellettieri, Treasurer
Majorie P. Philippe,
Recording Secretary,
John Torres, Jr.
Corresponding Secretary
Ivy B. Clifford
Lee M. Eriquezzo
Muriel Hillman
Lester Rondell
Joan M. Rosenberg
Jerry Tobin