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cc AHB Jr

June 23, 1954

Dear Clyff:

Alfred Barr has asked me about the painting by you which he was particularly interested in at the time of 15 AMERICANS. You may remember that he left for Europe the day after the exhibition opened and was not able to work on the problem of the acquisition of works or art from the show at the time. Now we have secured a fund of $1800 and wonder whether you would wish to sell that picture to the Museum for that amount. 

It is the vertical canvas, black in the center, with color on the two sides, deep blue, violet, yellow and white, I believe. It was hanging on the west wall, that is the short wall opposite the great black painting, to one's left as one entered your gallery in the exhibition. Beside it was the black, white and red canvas reproduced in the catalog. 

Do you expect to stay in the West through the summer? Eddie and I have missed seeing you this winter but hope to have been able to get a lot of work under way.

All best regards to you.


Dorothy C. Miller

Mr. Clyfford Still
3 A Varennes Street
San Francisco, California