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Dear Dorothy:
It seems that there is no way for us to synchronize our time-tables, so I'm taking this grimmer way to compensate. Besides its a good way to celebrate my birthday, the first on the second half-century. Dont let the enclosed check throw you. It was awfully nice to know it was in my pocketbook, and feel the freedom such instruments always give me. But I only considered it as tentative from the first, on loan as it were, as we will consider the painting to be. This keeps the whole matter on the easy friendly side, and without pressure or obligation. Nice of you to offer to buy it, but it is better this way.

I'm having fun finding out that I can take the old Canadian weather after all, with only the heat that a few newspapers and a little electric heater can provide. I am positively exhilarated, and feeling great.

I'll drop in on you and Eddie one of these evenings. Take care of yourselves, and all the best,


November 30. 1955
128 W.23

Transcription Notes:
original grammar mistakes preserved