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a Final and Accurate (sic) List of Still's works in the "15 Americans". On p 134 an installation photo (top) relates to this List. My contention, simply stated, is that the List Mrs Still proposes is inconsistent with info. in the '52 catalog and in the private files of MoMA. A check will show that the dimensions of two works are substantially different to what they ought to be according to MoMA (some dates have also gone back a year too). But this is not the major point which is, if I am correct, that one painting (listed now, p136, as No1: "1947-R-No1" 69 x 65") has been extensively repainted sometime in the year previous to the "15 Americans". My reasons are: The painting on p 134 in the S.F. catalog's installation shot (the legend No "1" refers it to the checklist) and the "Painting 1947" in the original catalog are very different. The work(s?!) in question was given to Ossorio. The Robert Elkon Gallery fairly recently sold some of Ossorio's collection; among the works was the Still of which I am enclosing the xerox just for guidance (I've only got the one print). Surprise! It's almost certainly the darker painting (with much less white) seen in the install. shot but not in your original catalog. The disputed work was also shown in San Francisco in late '50. From there, I've another install. shot clearly revealing the painting which turns up in your '52 document but not, on the evidence of the p 134 install. shot, in the MoMA show itself. Until recently I thought there had been a total confusion and that the two works were quite different. Now I have concluded after studying all the available info. that they are one and the same. This explains the whole mix-up and also their identical dimensions.
^[[(? ]](Being centrally involved with the show, could I ask whether you see any grounds to obviate or qualify my conclusions?
Also, Robert Elkon declined to tell me where he sold the