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November 27, 1977

Mr. Charles White
4575 North Rising Hill Road
Altadena, California 91001

Dear Charles:
I am happy to announce to you and all Du Sable friends and supporters that at long last the remodeling of our building has begun at a cost of $689,598.00. We expect to be completed by late summer, 1978. We, meanwhile, are afforded time to turn our attention to the refinement of the program of the Du Sable Museum.

A principal aspect of that program will be the development of the Du Sable Museum Heritage Institute, a community school of African-American history and culture for children and adults. We will want the widest kind of input on what the Institute should be. Therefore, I am preparing to ask for a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for the purpose of planning the Institute. I would like for you to participate as a consultant.

Hopefully, we will meet in Chicago one Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Honorariums will be extended and all your expenses will be paid. Please answer immediately as to the possibility of your participation. Also, what do you think of a Black History School or Institute as an integral adjunct of the Du Sable Museum of African-American History for children and adults of all ethnics who wish to pursue their interest in the field?

It is most important that I receive your response promptly so that I may proceed with the preparation of the proposal. Please address same to me:

Attention: Du Sable Heritage Institute

Thank you.

Dr. Margaret Burroughs
Executive Director

P.S.- Please send me also a vita or biography of yourself.

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740 East 56th Place
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Phones: (312) 947-0600

Endorsed by the Association of Commerce and Industry 
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Mrs. Margaret Burroughs

Mr. Vernon Jarrett
Mr. Warren Bacon
1st Vice President
Mrs. Earl E. Frederick, Jr. 
3rd Vice President 
Mr. Odell Hicks 
Ms. Beatrice Cloud
Financial Secretary
Mr. Lynn Small
Recording Secretary
Mrs. Kedron Jones
Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. William S. White
Prof. John Hope Franklin
Lemuel E. Bentley
General Counsel

Mrs. Lerone Bennett
Mr. Alvin Boutee
Mrs. Simon Boyd
Mr. Irving Cherry
Mr. Leon Davis
Mr. John Dodds
Mr. Charles Duster
Judge Ralph H. Eisendrath
Mr. Leo Ellis
Mrs. Cathern Davis Flory
Mr. Eugene Ford*
Dr. Ruth Allen Fouche
Mrs. H. C. Gibson
Dr. R. E. Hasbrouck, Sr.
Mrs. Cynthia Hayot
Mrs. T. R. M. Howard
Mrs. James Jones
Dr. Donald Lawson
Mr. Archie Listenbee*
Cong. Ralph Metcalfe
Mrs. Agnes Meyer
Mr. Byron Minor
Dr. Frederick D. Moore*
Mr. Ronelle Mustin
Mrs. Hugh Osborne
Senator Cecil Partee
Mr. Eugene Perkins
Mr. Adelbert Phillips
Mrs. Clevon Pran
Mrs. Maurice Raab
Dr. Tena Roseman
Mr. Edwin Salk
Mr. Richard Shealey
Ms. Leo F. Sparks 
Mr. Donald R. Stubbs
Mrs. William Tuggle
Mrs. John Wilson
Mr. Robert Wilson
Mrs. Robert Woods
Mr. Theodore Wordlaw

* past presidents 

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