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Rough Shooting Script for Greenbelt Movie

1. Travel signs -- "See Washington" at travel bureau. 
2. Crowd emerging from Union Station onto Plaza. 
3. Shots of Plaza of Capitol, Senate and House buildings, fountains and other points of interest. 
4. Tourists taking snapshots of points of interest in Washington. 
5. Show series of photographic highlights of Washington such as
Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial
Constitution Avenue looking down from Capitol Hill
Hains Point and River Front -- boats and yachts
White House
U.S. Treasury Building
Mount Vernon
Unknown Soldier's Tomb
Pan-American Union
Navy Yard
--several on Massachusetts Ave. N.W.
Town Houses

6. Show shot of News clipping which says "L'Infant Plan Now 90% Complete" and cut to actual shot of Washington shown in clippings.