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Wordage to act as transition to Greenbelt. "This is the Washington as the people who live there know it. To show what can be done to create a proper environment for human life, the Resettlement Administration is building a new suburban town of 1,000 homes to be rented at low costs to the families now crowded in the back streets of the Capital."

Cut to workmen jumping off train at Branchville, and few shots of construction.

Back to 2020 Massachusetts Avenue to show planning and explain background of project. Animated maps showing location, transportation, and close-up of town plan showing important features. Maybe explanation by Tugwell.

Break into view of town from air. Story of construction from clearing of lakes of building of homes.

Materials used, and labor employed. Show invoices for brick, lumber, cinder block, and scenes of shipment.

Life at Greenbelt contrasted with old city. Children at play; underpasses