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[[strikethrough]] show [[/strikethrough]]

map on table into airview 

Back to 2020 Mass Ave to show planning and explain background of project. Animated maps showing location, transportation, and closeup of town plan showing important features. Maybe [[strikethrough]] remarks [[/strikethrough]] explanation by Tugwell.

Break into view of town from air. Story of construction from clearing of lake to building of homes.

Materials used, and labor employed. Show invoices for brick, lumber, cinder block, and scenes of shipment.

Life at Greenbelt contrasted with old city.  Children at play; underpasses and safety features; Kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms,; gardens; recreational features; lake; school.

Greenbelt is just a beginning [[strikethrough]] in the [[/strikethrough]] in the creation of new and better homes for America. [[strikethrough]] That lies [[/strikethrough]] The slums that lie behind the imposing fronts of Washington are duplicated in every city throughout the land. New York -- Chicago -- San Francisco, etc. Show familiar skylines, powerful views; and then flashes of slums, crowds; children in streets, etc.

End of view of Greenbelt.

1) Blurb for Washington [[beautiful?]]
2) Tourist Map
3) Tourist Excursion Train
4) Unshuffling Post Card
5) Labor Unions Meeting