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low. But a responsible government has not shunned them. In the midst of crisis their mortgage loans were lightened. Wide slum clearance was begun. Now we look further, toward whole communities planned to give a richer life to [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] people [[strikethrough]] who live in them." [[/strikethrough]] of modest income. 

The men are climbing into trucks which go off toward different parts of the project. We follow these trucks while the narrator continues: "Five thousand men have been put to work on this project - masons, carpenters, electricians, town planners, bricklayers, ditch diggers, architects, engineers ---"

"Five million dollars worth of materials [[strikethrough]] have been [[/strikethrough]] are being used ---" Vistas of pipe, cinder block, steel window sash, lumber, picks, mattocks, shovels pass before our eyes.

Narrator: "Thousands of men and women are being put to work to produce these materials." A steam whistle blows at the top of a factory. Wheels turn. Gates swing open to admit a crowd of workers.