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eager to work and live, needing homes, needing security, anxious for the welfare and happiness of our families, wanting stability, wanting to take our place in a community - - -".

The next scene is on the greenbelt project. Trains and buses disgorge scores of men. A new voice begins: "40,000,000 of them!" Average Americans who need homes. Private industry has shunned them. Their income level is too low. But a responsible government has not shunned them. In the midst of crisis their mortgage loans were lightened. Wide slum clearance was begun. Now we look further, toward whole communities planned to give a richer life to people of modest income. 

The men are climbing into trucks which go off toward different parts of the project. We follow these trucks while the narrator continues: "Five thousand men have been put to work on this project - masons, carpenters, electricians, town planners, bricklayers, ditch diggers, architects, engineers - - -".

Five million dollars worth of materials are being used - - -".

Vistas of pipe, cinder block, steel window sash, lumber, picks,