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We return to the employment office. The applicant is finishing the sheet. The personnel man says: "Report [[strikethrough]] on the project [[/strikethrough]] for work on Monday".

So with the other men in the line; each in turn receives a sheet. To each some questions causes him to reflect upon some part of his history;

2 - "LAST EMPLOYER - REASON FOR LEAVING?" The man writes "Factory shut down." We see here all the concomitants of the shut-down factory; the "no work" signs, a city eviction, a bread line, the bonus march with the veterans to Washington - This flash-back ends with the evacuation scene of the veterans being chased down Pennsylvania Avenue by tanks and steel-helmeted troops. 

[[Margin]] Unemployment [[/Margin]]

3 - "GIVE NUMBER OF DEPENDENTS, if any?": The man begins to write and pauses. We are shifted to a city street lined