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   With a housing shortage and rents high the magic word "home" does not always bear the charm with which it is popularly supposed to be endowed. With rents high a large share of the little government workers income has to go to the landlord. As a result he must live in niggardly quarters, often under conditions which are perilous to health and certainly to happiness. 

16. Follow suburbanites to Branchville and show disembarkation
17. Show mean surroundings and undesirable milieu.
18. Signs in area showing that rents even out of town in this place are out of reason. 
19. Follow other employees to their homes via bus up to
20. Mass. Ave., N.W. to grand old ex-town house which is now
21. A boarding house with the sign prominently displayed in the front window. 
22. Also show rooming houses from ex-town houses with
23. Signs "Rooms for rent" -- make them high priced.
24. Show interior of some rooming houses including
25. Close-ups of one burner hot plate where some cooking is attempted.
26. Show mean interior and crowded condition of family in two rooms and if possible show miserable apartment with crowded conditions for eligible family which might be selected for Greenbelt.