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Recreation for those workers and their children is provided in part by public parks and playgrounds but even these facilities are limited. In the thickly settled sections of the city, people often try to get a breath of cool air on a humid night by sitting out on the door stoop. Children, always eager for fun, play hopscotch, ball or games in the busily trafficed streets. Neighborhood movies are also usually crowded.


27. Many of these people in 26 have no place to sit except on their own door stoops on hot nights.
28. Their children play in the streets and around fire stations 

--baseball ) amidst dangerous
--games    )      traffic
29. Adults amuse themselves at the neighborhood movies or
30. At cheap places on Ninth Street -- Burlesque or Movies or 
31. Call at the liquor stores for bottled joy
32. Youngsters are sent to market through busy streets