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[[underlined]] SYNOPSIS [[/underlined]]


The Capitol has a perennial housing and with coming of the New Deal and its thousands of emergency workers and additional employees of other additional employees of other agencies this shortage has been accentuated. 
Tows and rows of monotonously hideous structures rent for high prices. Restrictions against children and pets prevail in a great many of the decent apartment houses. Once fine town houses which were scens of grander days are now boarding houses -- with pretentious exteriors and mean interiors. Realtors have tried to capitalize on the housing shortage by building ramshackle structures in the suburbs and better houses elsewhere -- all at prices far beyond what might be regarded as fair. 
Streets lined with parked cars are manifestations of the crowded conditions. Roomers who try to save money by cooking over a one burner electric hot plate are many. 
Rural slums show the need of resettlement in country areas. 
[[underlined]] SHOOTING SCRIPT [[/underlined]]


33. Crowded conditions are shown through rental signs and 
34. Newspaper ads -- "No children" -- 
show price and restriction and 
35. Ads showing houses wanted with stipulated rentals. 
36. Jerry-built houses in suburbs with signs showing high prices for bad housing. 
37. Several shots of real estate signs and 
38. Rows and rows of badly planned and monotonous houses all with high rents 
49. Rows and rows of streets with parked cars showing garage shortage
40. Ghost suburbs
41. Canal roadhouse shots from canal side and 
42. Rural Slums