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14. Carry to Experimental House site, show land clearance, transfer of plants, master nursery.
15. Fade from plant stalks to reinforcing rods at Branchville blacksmith shop. Focus on blue-print.
16. Show dirty hands, fingers pointing, hand argument.
17. Carry from blue-print to rod reinforcing in units and to pouring of first, second floors.
18. Show ditch digging, mains, sewage disposal, water tower.
19. Plumbers at work on faucets in bathroom in half-finished brick veneer house. Swing camera to brick masons.
20. Piles of brick. Bring camera right up to brick until nothing else is visible, then fade to Baltimore brickyard as brick comes out of oven. Focus on loading of brick on truck at yard and break free as truck is unloaded at Greenbelt.
21. Swing camera onto pile of cinder block. Set camera focus down to single cinder block and carry into District cinder block factory as block comes out of machine.
22. Focus back to block and draw camera away from cinder block in a half-built cinder block house. Continue into laying of cinder blocks.
23. Shots of men laying bricks and shots of carpenters,
of insulation
of ecod
of plaster and plasterers
of bulldozers
of huge shovels
of scaffolding
of a foreman swearing
of slate and roofers
of paint and painters