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9. If connected with other business enterprises give particulars.

10. Details of vocation, profession or business.

[NOTE:-- As the most essential part of a biography is the account of the subject's life work full details under this paragraph are desired. The Cyclopedia is not a Who's Who, but a collection of real biographies, constituting a history of American institutions, American industry and American achievement in terms of biography.]

(a) If in a manufacturing or mercantile business, give the history of its development during the subject's connection with it, including figures showing its growth and standing in that period, and mention any distinguishing features.

(b) If an author, give full title of books, dates or publication and extracts from suitable critiques.

(c) If an inventor, describe inventions and give exact date when patents were issued.

(d) If a musician, artist or sculptor, give catalogue of important works, dates of production and some notices of the critics.

(e) If a scientist, give particular lines of research and investigations, with results achieved.

(f) If a physician or dentist, give account of practice and details of specialties.

(g) If a lawyer or a judge, give titles of notable cases conducted or tried, involving new or unique questions of law.

(h) If an architect or engineer, give list of important commissions or contracts with description of special features.

(i) If a legislature, give committees on which served and important bills with which identified.

(j) If a governor, give features of terms of office.

(k) If a college president, give records of growth of institution and principal features of administration.

(l) If a military or naval officer, give record of service.

11. Mention noteworthy incidents in business or professional career.

Paintings -

"The Line STORM" Signey Howard  N.J.
Road Menders Camp" - University of Nebraska
"The Tornado" - Hackley Art Gallery  Muskegon Michigan
"Kansas Cornfield" - Wichita Art Museum  Wichita Kansas.
"Storm over Lake Otsego" → Polly Thayer Storr  Boston Mass.
"Strong Shower" → Metropolitan Museum  N.Y. City.
"Kansas Stockman", "The Flying Cadonas", Baptism in Kansas } Whitney Museum of American Art, NY. City.
Kansas Flood --- Addison Gallery  Phillips Andover
"Mississippi Noah" City Art Museum  St. Louis Mo.

Murals --
"Tragedy & Comedy" "Frescoes" Bedford High School  Westport Conn.
Migration Westward & Justice Defeating Mob Violence" - Department of Justice Bld. Washington D.C.
"Oklahoma Land Rush to Homestead & Fence Builders" General Land Office - Chiterion Bldg. Washington D.C.

From the Librarian, Mechanics-Mercantile Library. San Francisco, Calif. - "The Mechanic's Institute has been a subscriber of the National Cyclopedia of American Biography since it was first published. Our set was destroyed in the fire of 1906 and one of our earliest orders afterwards was to have the set replaced."

Transcription Notes:
Hackley is right