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From Who's Who 1940-41

CURRY, John Steuart, artist; b. Dunavant, Kan., Nov. 14, 1897; Smith and Margaret (Steuart) C; student Art Inst., Chicago,1916-18, Geneva Coll., Beaver Falls, Pa. 1919-20, Russian Acad.,Paris, 1926-27, Art Students League, New York, 1927; M. Clara Derrick
of Jonesboro, N. J., Jan. 23,1923(died July 10, 1932); M 2d,Kathleen Muriel Gould, of South Kensington, London, Eng., June 2,1934. Rep. by paintings in permanent collections of Metropolitan Mus., Whitney Mus. of Am. Art, Addison Gallery, Phillips Andover
Acad., U. of Conn; decorations for Dept. of Justice and Dept. of Interior Bldgs., Washington.  Art Instr. Art Students League (New York) artist in residence U. of Wis., since 1937.  Awarded 2d prize Carnegie International Exhibition, 1933.  Served as pvt. U.S.A., World War.  Re. Presbyn.  Home, Madison, Wis.