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can't work then. I want to get in Mr. Schooks class of Illustration next Christmas. I'm sure he can help me. I can learn more from a single teacher than from several. I must study with H. Dunn when I become more profficient. Just notice his compositions in the last fast. Read I. S. Coff's article and M. R. Rhinhart's. 

I have given up my portrait. This place is to firm for me to work in; I don't feel like doing it.

I got my teeth cleaned and an exray taken of a desiduous molar. French can fix a bridge when I get home. 

|Alarm| I see a fly in the room. I would like to be home for track meet and I hope Gene wins. 

O, I wish I was in the country. I some times feel like coming home and hauling manure,