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This depicts the burial of a child. Before the rising sun the pioneer minister with raised hand pronounces the last benediction. Surrounding him the fellow travelers, back of them the wagons hitched and ready to proceed westward.

(2) The Great Cattle Drives

This panel depicts the great herds that for thirty years were driven from Texas to the roaring rail points of central and western Kansas.

Corridor Entrance off Rotunda;

Kansas Pastoral

In this comparatively quiet corridor is portrayed Kansas in the time of fruitful Harvest.

In color and tone, and their unlimited possibilities of expression, will be portrayed the overpowering sensuousness of the land at sunset and in its time of abundant harvest.

On the north wall (22' x 11' 6") are two spaces portraying the industry of the oil wells.

Here are shown the oil rig and refinery which again demonstrate tremendous resources of the state. On the west wall stand the ten-foot figures of the young farmer, his wife and children, and back of them the ideal unmortgaged farm home - back of that the night and evening sky.

On the long wall to the south (29' x 11' 6") a great ranch of the Kansas landscape. In the foreground the Hereford bull, wheat field, feeding steers and hogs, a grain elevator, doves in osage orange trees. Behind all these are fields of corn and grain running back to the distant hill and the setting sun framed by the great turreted cloud to the north.