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August 9, 58

Dear Miss O'Keefe:

Thank you most kindly for this beautiful Stieglitz brochure which you so kindly sent me. It is a most fitting and highly merited tribute to Stieglitz for his pioneering and innovative canny[[??]] spirit and supremely personal contribution and leadership in the art of photography,

It is also a lasting symbol and souvenir of the most difficult pioneering period of modern art and photography, as an art, in America.

As soon as I found my bearings in the Photographic field [[strikethrough]] in 1910 I took the liberty to urge tell Stieglitz to resume his [[/strikethrough]] in 1910, I took the liberty to tell Stieglitz that I [[strikethrough]] found [[strikethrough]] valued his pure photography far above the photography that breed in the [[?]]" ([[?]] [[?]]