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Minnesota Chippewa Tribe
Cass Lake, Minnesota

June 19, 1951 

Mr. N. B. Johnson, President
National Congress of American Indians
1346 Connecticut Avenue, N. W.
Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Johnson:

This is to inform you that I will be in St. Paul, Minn., on Wednesday, June 20, to act in your behalf in trying to make arrangements as outlined in your letter of June 15.
Sincerely yours, 

Ed M. Wilson -(LS) 
Ed. M. Wilson,

cc - 
Jarle Leirfallom, St. Paul
Robert L. Bennett, Aberdeen 
John C. Rainer, Brigham City, Utah
Supt. Hiram M. Clark, Fort Yates
NCAI Office, Wash. D. C.