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WHEREAS, the NCAI Convention delegates attending the Workshop on Education, Health and Welfare, at the 8th Annual Convention, have made the following recommendations to the Convention of the whole after caretul and full discussion on action to be taken in these fields; and 

WHEREAS, this Workshop was attended by delegates representing all parts of the United States having Indian populations; 

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Workshop be adopted by the National Congress of American Indians assembled in Convention, as follows:

In the Field of Education

(1) That the Bureau of Indian Affairs be urged to adopt and use a comprehensive child guidance program in all schools under its supervision, and that organizations such as Parent Teacher Associations, and other adult participation in the school program be encouraged so that Indian parents will become more actively interested in the educational development of the children of their communities; 

(2) That the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and public schools having large Indian enrollment, seek means to provide a sound and well-rounded program of vocational training, so that Indian youth will be able to find employment as journeymen in the crafts of their choosing, and that all high schools offer complete vocational facilities; 

(3) That all high schools of the Indian Service be accredited in the states in which they are located, and that all schools be required to meet the standard requirements of the state in which they exist.

(4) That the Bureau of Indian Affairs be urged to ask for larger appropriations to be distributed at the local level, to speed the education and training of Indian children.

(5) That higher educational facilities be made available to more Indian youth by (a) exploring and making known to Indians the opportunities throughout the nation for scholarships for promising students, (b) by making available boarding facilities for college students in those Indian schools (such as Haskell Institute) adjacent to college campuses;

(6) That the Bureau of Indian Affairs be urged to extend its adult education program to more Indians, by such means as informative literature and training under skilled instructors. 

In the Field of Health

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the field of health the National Congress of American Indians

(1) Actively seek means for adult education in health and sanitation, placing emphasis on individual responsibilities in these fields; 

(2) Bring to the attention of all tribal governing bodies information and plans to encourage and foster knowledge of fundamental health and sanitation concepts among the individual members of the tribes. 

(3) Support requests from the tribes for hospitals, doctors, and nurses to fill local needs, and to this end urge the Bureau of Indian Affairs to request adequate appropriations from Congress to meet these needs
