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Indians problems to them, this is my convictions from my past experience in dealing with the Congress and the past Administration. 

I am enclosing a letter I received this morning from Bob Yellowtail, also a letter from James Mosier and a card from Miss Ramona Kaiser which I wish you would please answer, Miss Kaiser and Bob Yellowtail I want you to know them better, Bob is a good Indian, though a little radical at times and I hope we can get him to take more active interest in NCAI. 

This about covers every thing in my mind at present, I want you to know that I appreciate your position and complex problems and do not be afraid of making mistakes and I want to compliment you on what you have accomplished and the program you have for the future. 

The wife joins me in sending our best wishes for your success and happiness. 

Most Cordially and Sincerely, 
W.W. Short 
W.W. Short

Decided to enclose some more letters 

Will you please send us some N.C.A.I. envelopes. Thanks.