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Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N.C. May 4th 1868.

Doughty Esq W.D. }
Newport N.C. }

Martin Mattox has called at this Office and received $43.50 Arrears of Pay of his son Ellis Mattox, he states that he paid you Thirty five dollars ($35.00) for the prosecuting of the three claims of his three sons, and yet I find that you have charged him nine dollars and twenty-five cents ($9.25) in this case alone. You will therefore make a statement of this matter, as I am going to write to Washington City about it. You will likewise inform me why you did not make any claim for Bounty in these cases. You will please answer without delay:

Very Respectfully
Your. Obedient Servant
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C.
Bvt Maj in Charge
Claim Division


Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N.C. May 4th 1868.

Bascom and Seaton Merrs }
242 4. St Washington D.C. } Gentlemen:
Information has been received at this office that the claim of Nathaniel Harris decd late of Co D. 14th Regt USCT. was settled by Treas Cert No 290044 for $368.80 payable to Isaac A Rosekrans of the Freedmens Bureau. as guardian of Wm O. Harris minor child of dec"d and sent to you February 25th 1867. I have the honor to request information as to what has been done with the claim
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C.
Bvt Major in charge.

Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N.C. May 4th 1868

Balloch Bvt Brig Gen G.W. }
C.D.O. } General:
I have the honor to enclose herewith the Receipted Vouchers for Arrears of Pay and Bounty of Jane, widow of Alfred Blunt (dec'd) late of Co B. 35th Regt USCT. $83 00/100
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C.
Bvt Major in charge