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Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N. C. July 17th 1868

Bvt Brig Gen G. H.
C. D. O. 

I have the honor to inform you that your check no 1770 in U.S. Asst Treas at N.Y for $2178.10 was four dollars ($4.00) in excess of the amount required to pay the vouchers accompanying it. I enclose herewith draft no. 5970 on Importers and Traders National Bank, N.Y. for Four dollars, made payable to your order, in settlement of the above difference.

Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
A. Coats
1st Lieut V. R. C.
Bvt Major in charge
Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N. C. July 14th 1868

Bvt Gen G.W.
C. D. O.

I have the honor to report that the following named men have applied at this office for the payment of their claims for arrears of Pay and Bounty.
Riley Moore late of Co H 36th Regt U. S. C. T.
Haywood Carter late of co H 36th Regt U. S. C. T.
Hosea Spencer late of co G 35th Regt U. S. C. T.
Caleb Sanders late of co F 35th Regt U. S. C. T.
Thomas Hinds late of co C 35th Regt U. S. C. T.
John Jones late of co G 35th Regt U. S. C. T.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C.
Bvt Major in charge

Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N. C. July 20th 1868

Bvt Brig Gen G. H.
C. D. O. 

I have the honor to report that the following named have applied at this office for the payment of their claims for arrears of Pay and Bounty.
Nelson Leary late of Co G. 35th Regt U.S.C.T.
Levi Muller late of Co G. 35th Regt U.S.C.T.
John A. Davis late of Co E. 35th Regt U.S.C.T.
Allen Moy late of Co D. 35th Regt U.S.C.T.
Luke Martin late of Co G. 35th Regt U.S.C.T.
Silas Smith late of Co G. 35th Regt U.S.C.T.
Maria, widow of Richard Whitty late of Co K 2nd Regt U.S.C. Cav.

Very Respectfully, 
Your Obedient Servant,
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C. Bvt Major in charge


Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N. C. July 20th 1868

Esq Jeaae A.

In reply to yours of the 16th inst. I have the honor to enclose herewith check no 53 in New Berne Nat Bank for one hundred and eighty nine dollars ($189.00) payable to order of Daniel Pendall late of Co H. 36th Regt U.S.C.T. as per vouchers enclosed, which you will please have properly signed and witnessed and return to this office.
Please acknowledge receipt.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C.

Transcription Notes:
New Berne was spelled Newberne or New Berne at the time; now know as New Bern; Bvt = Brevet (mil rank; not Bot); U.S.C.T. = US Colored Troops B.R.F. & A.L. = Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands Respectfully should be capatalized