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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & A L
Sub Office of the Claim Division
Newbern N.C. Jany 19th 1869

Balloch Brig. Gen. G. W.
I have the honor to transmit herewith the Receipted Vouchers for arrears of Pay and Bounty of 
Nelson Smith late of "D' Co 14th U.S.C.H.A.
and Nancy Jones Mother of 
Hector Jones (dec'd) late of "I" Co 35th U.S.C.T.
Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Andrew Coats
Officer in charge

Sub Office of the Claim Division
Newbern N.C. January 19th 1869

Balloch Brig Gen G. W.

I have the honor to report that the following named claimants have applied at this Office for the payment of their claims for arrears of Pay and Bounty
Philip Gatlin Battery B 2nd U.S. Colored Lt Artly
John Ambers Co D 14th Regt U.S.C. Hy Artly
John Lee Co I 35th Regt U.S.C. Infty
Silas Williams Co A 35th Regt U.S.C. Infty
Isaac Batts Co D 35th Regt U.S.C. Infty
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Andrew Coats
Officer in Charge


Bureau of R.F. & A L.
Sub Office of the Claim Division
Newbern N.C. 21st Jany 1869

Balloch Brig Gen G.W.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the Receipted Vouchers for arrears of Pay and Bounty of
John Mosely Co D 14" Hy Artly $100.00
and Louisa Herring widow of
Addison Herring Co "A" 14" Hy Artly $200.00
Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Andrew Coats
Officer in Charge

Sub Office of the Claim Division 
Newbern N.C. January 23rd 1869

Balloch Brig Gen G.W.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the Receipted Vouchers for arrears of Pay and Bounty of
Edward George Co "K" 35th U.S.C.T. $128.30

Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Andrew Coats
Officer in Charge

Transcription Notes:
Needed to reopen. U.S.C.Hy. A. = US Colored Heavy Artillery U.S.C.T. = US Colored Troops