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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

|Brown |George W |102.11 |
| Brown | Samuel | 10. |
| Brown | Stephen | 10. |
| Baum | Henry | 33 |
| Briggs | Richard | 99. |
| Borden | Henry | 115. 153. |
| Backer | Doctor | 115. 153. |
| Brown | David H | 131 |
| Brown | Dick | 137. 153. |
| Boyd | Michael | 145. 155 |
| Borden | Jerry | 153. |
| Boone | Mills | 154 |
| Barrow | Thomas | 154 |
| Butts | Isaac | 154. 169. |
| Baker | Dorsey | 155. |
| Bryant | Owen | 155. 161 |
| Bunch | Summerset | 163. |
| Burton | Wm H. | 163. |
| Broudus | Henry | 171. |
| Becton | Gaston | 171. |
| Brown | Alex | 171. |
| Brownson | Harriet | 183. |
| Brown | Bvt. Maj. J.M.  | 187. |
| Brooks | Sarah | 197. |
| Butler | Godfrey | 201. |
| Brown | Isaac | 207. |
| Baum | David | 207. |
| Bell | Adam | 211. |
| Bowen | Aaron | 213. |
| Barbour | Hester | 213. |
| Bowie | John | 213. |
| Baker | Amos | 233. |
| Brooks | William | 235. |
| Butler | Manuel | 2[[strikethrough]]3[[//strikethrough]]51 |