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Caldwell James 5.
Cooper James 7. 43. 
Chafers Benjamin 10 
Council Samuel 10. 25. 31.
Chur Lt. Col. Jacob F.  11. 15. 17. 
Carter E.H.  15. 
Cingleton Abraham  33. 47. 69. 83. 87. 95. 105. 109. 
Connega Peter 33. 77. 107. 129. 143. 173. 191. 
Chadwick David 43. 111
Carroll James 43. 57. 
Cotton David 67. 
Collins Charles 75. 
Caldwell James 99. 
Collins Simon 99. 
Call Henry 99. 145 
Cole Picket 101.
Conacky Alfred 105. 123. 137 
Cobb Eli 149. 177. 
Carter David 153. 
Cratch Benj. 153. 
Chadwick John 153. 
Cannon Samuel 154. 
Clark Wallace 154. 
Carpenter E.W. 159. 177. 237 
Cooper Allen 171.
Cole Jenny Jane 181.
Caesar Julius 193. 
Cotton Lawrence 214. 
Cannon Archibald 225. 
Cartwright Nancy 247. 

Transcription Notes:
e Just a list