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War Department,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Office Chief Disbursing Officer
Washington, D.C., June 12 1867

Brvt Maj. A. Coats V.R.C.
New Berne N.C.

I enclose you my check No. 263 on Asst Treasurer at New York for 381.60/100 to pay Bounty claims of the following men, late of Co. A. 2nd U.S. Cavalry

Wm Cummings   $190.80
Asa Jones   $190.80
Total  $381.60

I have notified them to call on you

I am very respectfully
Your obdt servant
Geo W. Balloch
Brvt Brg Genl & Chf D.O.