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War Department,
Bureau Refugees, Freedman, and Abandoned Lands, 
Office Chief Disbursing Officer, 
Washington, D.C., June 15 1867.
[?] Maj. A. Coats U.S.C. 
Ashburn N.C. 
Your communication
of June 13 1864. Enclosing receipted [?]
Bounty Vouchers of Shepherd Stuffs and 
[?] [?] is received.  [?] [?]
[?] checks Nos. 1024 and 1028 for payment of 
the same.  
I am very respectfully
Your [?] servant
[?] [?]
[?] Brig. Gen. Chf D.O.

Transcription Notes:
11 ?s /sigh