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or prepossessions - whether the removal of Genl. Gregory and the appointment of some other man is desirable for the general interests is a question upon which I am perhaps not called to express an opinion - and that opinion would depend much upon the character of the man selected to succeed him - That he is wanting in the "Savoir faire" needed for the full success of his administration, is I think undeniable. 

So far as zeal. energy, and general abilities go, he is unexceptionable: but it is nothing to the prejudice of his character to say, that a man less a partizan in his opinions and of greater [[?]]ity of manner would succeed better with the whites while accomplishing greater good for the freed-man
Maj. Genl. P. H. Sheridan     

Very Respectfully Your Obedt. Servt.
Comdg. Mil. Div. Gulf
New Orleans La.

(Sgd.) H. G. Wright
Maj. Genl. Comdg.

Transcription Notes:
added number at top, this is required, completed transcribing page