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Executive Office
Milledgeville Ga,4. Jany 1866

Brig. Gen. Davis Tillson.
A. A. Com's Bureau
R.F. & A.L. for State of Georgia


Having returned to Milledgeville to day, after an absence of ten days, I have the honor of transmitting to you the enclosed, as requested, in your communication of the 20th ult, without further delay. 
The Genl. Assembly at its recent short session pressed no other act on the subject referred, nor any resolution save one of reference to the judiciary Committee, of which the enclosed is [[strikethrough]] a copy [[/strikethrough]] the fruit. The reason so little action was had "concerning freed people", is that they were awaiting the action of a commission of able gentlemen, to whom the late Convention had referred that whole subject. The Genl. Assembly will convene again on the 15th inst. and I will keep you advised of their action. I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your obt. servt.
Charles I. Jenkins