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[[left margin]] Fugitive [[/left margin]]
a fugitive from justice, or a pauper coming into this State, and who shall not immediately leave the State on being notified to do so by any civil officer, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished, on conviction as prescribed in the fourth section of this article. And if such person shall still refuse to leave the State, such punishment may be repeated by order of the county Judge without further trial, until such offender shall depart from the State. 

[[left margin]] Employment or consenting apprentice [[/left margin]]
§ 11. Any person who shall knowingly employ any apprentice of another, during the existence of such apprenticeship, or any servant engaged by a Court contract, who has no legal certificate of discharge, or who shall after knowledge, continue to employ such person, with design to keep him from his employer, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment in the common Jail, or both, at the discretion of the Court ; and shall moreover, be liable to an action for damages at suit of the employer.

[[left margin]] Marriage [[/left margin]]
§ 12. Any Ordinary, or his Deputy, or Clerk, who shall knowingly issue a license for marriage between a white person and a person of color, or any magistrate, or minister of religion who shall knowingly officiate in solemnizing such a marriage, shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be punished by imprisonment and labor in the Penitentiary, or on the public works, for a term not exceeding two years, or by fine and imprisonment in the common Jail, at the discretion of the Court. 
[[left margin]] Band for injury [[/left margin]]
§ 13. Any person who shall be a member or associate of any band, association or combination, formed without authority of law, for the purpose of injuring persons of color, in their persons or property, whether under pretence of punishing crime, or otherwise, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished, on conviction, by fine or imprisonment in the common Jail or both, at the discretion of the Court ; and shall moreover be liable to conviction and punishment for any overt act, according to law. 

[[left margin]] Witness [[/left margin]]
Any member of such association shall be a competent witness for the prosecution, and his testimony shall not be used against himself.
[[left margin]] Squatters [[/left margin]]
§ 14. Any person who shall settle himself, or his family, or take up his abode, on the land of another, whether public or private property, with no bona fide claim, or color of right, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished, as provided in case of trespassers on enclosed land, provided, that this section shall not apply to way-farers who shall encamp for a night, or, in case of providential detention, for a longer time, on un-enclosed land. 

[[left margin]] Trespass [[/left margin]]
§ 15. Trespass upon any enclosed ground of another shall be a misdemeanor, and the offender, on conviction, shall be 


punished by fine or imprisonment in the common jail, at the discretion of the Court. 

[[right margin]] Trespass [[/right margin]]
Trespass shall be defined by the laws now in force in this State, but it shall be no trespass in any one to approach the dwelling of the person controlling the premises by the usual mode of access, in a peaceable manner, nor in like manner to approach the apartment of any servant domiciled on the premises, between the hours of Sun-rise and 9 o'clock at night. 

To approach the servants' apartments after nine o'clock at night, or to come on the premises after warning not to do so, by the person controlling the same, shall be a trespass. 

The effect of warning shall continue for twelve months unless revoked. 

[[right margin]] Procedure [[/right margin]]
§ 16. It shall be lawful for the person controlling premises trespassed upon, or his agent, or in his absence, for any adult person acting for and at the request of his family, to arrest any person trespassing, as forbidden, in the preceding section, and to take said trespasser to the nearest magistrate, or to the County Judge, to be dealt with according to law. 

[[right margin]] Stolen goods [[/right margin]]
§ 17. Receiving stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen, shall be a substantive offence, and shall be punished, on conviction, in like manner, as simple larceny of the goods, so received.

[[right margin]] Minors desertion [[/right margin]] 
§ 18. Any person having a wife or minor children, dependent on him, or her, who shall desert them, and make no provision for their support, being able to do so, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both, at the discretion of the Court, and a wife shall be a competent witness for or against her husband on the trial. 

[[right margin]] Distilling License [[/right margin]]
§ 19. Any person distilling any alcoholic liquor without a license, or, who having a license violate any of the conditions of the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, in the common jail of the county, or both, at the discretion of the Court. 

If the distillation be within the limits of any corporate town or city, the corporate authorities shall have the power of granting or refusing a license, and of prescribing its terms and conditions. If within the county and without the limits of such corporate town or city, the Justices of the Inferior Court shall have the like powers. The fee for a license shall not exceed one dollar. upon conviction for the offence, above described, the still shall be forfeited to the town or the county as the case may be. 

§ 20. Any person selling to any other person any alcoholic liquor without a license, or, who having a license, shall violate any of the conditions of the same, as to the time or