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punished in the United States Court in the same manner as if his action was without color of legal proceedings.

II...In those nations and tribes that have incorporated the Freedmen into their tribes, and granted them tribal rights and privileges, the Freedmen will be subject to their laws and customs in the same manner, and to the same extent as an Indian of such tribes. But in those nations that have not thus incorporated them or recognized them as a part and parcel of their nation, or tribe, the Freedmen are not, and will not, be subject to their laws, or customs, but stand upon the same footing as to legal rights, as all other citizens of the United States, except that they are in the Indian Territory, by proper authority, and will in no case be interfered with, unless guilty of some criminal offence.

[[image]]III...While all are requested to recognize the legal rights of the Freedmen, they will not forget that their comfortable subsistence, clothing and education, are the paramount objects sought to be attained at present, and as the season has so far advanced that it will be impracticable for the Freedmen to secure and open farms for themselves in time to raise a crop the coming summer, they are all advised and recommended to remain with their present employers, in all cases where comfortable clothing and subsistence for themselves and their families for one year will be secured thereby, unless they are certain they can do much better before, they make an attempt to change their condition.

In some instances, children will be better off, living with ther [[their]] former masters than with their parents, until their parents secure a home, and more means of supporting them ; and it may be better that parental affection in such cases, should for the time being, yield to policy.

At a time like the present, all, of all classes, should exercise the greatest prudence, soundest judgement and longest forbearance. and make the greatest efforts to harmonize what seems conflicting ; to bring system and order out of confusion ; to elevate and enlighten the laboring masses; to repair the great waste of war by constant industry, and to secure protection, competency, and happiness to all classes of men.

IV...The copy of contract designed for this Commission as required in Circular No. 1, may in all cases, be filed with the Indian Agent for the tribe, to which the parties or any of them belong.

Brevet Maj. Gen'l & Commissioner.

Fort Smith New Era, Print.