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"You will immediately take steps to have the above corrected
(sgd) Andrew Johnson."
In obedience to your order I proceeded immediately to Mrs. Donelsons plantation in person, and thoroughly investigated the serious charges contained in her telegrams to yourself - I found that no colored soldiers had entered Mrs. Donelsons house - Neither her own, or the lives of her family had been threatened - Her daughters had not been cursed - Her dog had not been shot in her dwelling. No violence had been threatened - and she had no reason whatever to fear that she would be disturbed - Mrs. Donelsons family - her neighbors and the troops all agree in this finding - There was a slight disturbance between Mrs D, and a guard in charge of Quartermasters property - but Mrs D was the only party at fault - Her dog was shot and slightly wounded in her yard - The dog was a vicious negro dog, and was undoubtedly set upon the Guard. 
Mrs Donelson is herself greatly at fault in all this matter, and she now sees it - Her Children and her adviser in this city (Atty White) all counseled her against the course she pursued, and she promised them she would not telegraph you. 