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subsist Refugees & Freedmen in September than in June.

All the clothing issued during the quarter was distributed by agents of Freedmen's aid Commissions, chiefly by the Pennsylvania Freedmen's Society. I have no means of ascertaining the value of the distributions, but they have been light. The demand for clothing and shoes for the old, infirm & children where I was sending to the Country became so pressing that I purchased during last month bills to the amt. of six thousand nine hundred forty five & 80/100 ($6945 80) a report of the distribution of the same will be forwarded in due form by the Quarter Master.

I am Genl
Very Respectfully, Yr. Obt. Servt.
Clinton B. Fisk
Bg Gen'l, Asst. Com

Maj Genl Howard
Comr. &c. Washington D.C.