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Hd. Qrs. Mil. Div Tenn 65 
Nashville, Tenn Jan 30th / 66

Respectfully Referred to Major General G. Stoneman Comd'g. Dept. Tenn. 

By command of LR Major General Thomas 
Robert Ramsey 
Bvt. Col. A.A.G.

[[stamp]] Mil. Div. of the Tennessee JAN 30 1866 [[/stamp]]

F.B. 50 EB 13. 

Adjt Genl to be, 
Referred to Major General Geo. H. Thomas, commanding Military Division of the Tennessee. 

Report recd Mar. 17, 1866.

By order of the Secretary of War:
Thos T Eckert
Acting Secretary of War
War Dept
23d Jan. 1866

Respectfully transmitted
W. A. Nichols
Asst. Adj't General

A. G. Office }
Jany 25. 66 }

Freedmen's Bureau file

94 M. / 1866
460 T. 1866
K15 (R.F. & A.L. Vol 2)

Washington D.C. 
January 18th 1866 

G299. M D T 1865


Military Justice Bureau of 
Jos. Holt:  J Adv: General 

M12 (DT) 1866
(Seven Enclos.)

Refers communication from S.E. Griffith Agent Freedmen's Bureau covering statements of a number of persons concerning the barbarous treatment of one Richard F. Griffin (colored) by Wm. G. Gammon and the inhuman amputation of his feet by Drs. Williams and Joseph Clarke with the petition of Minerva Dangerfield (colored) for remuneration for nursing the said Richd. E. Griffin from the time of the outrage to his convalescence 


Recommends the claim of Minerva Dangerfield be entertained and that the papers in the case be turned over to the Mil: Authorities of the Dept: of Middle Tennessee, in order that the facts be investigated, and the guilty parties brought to justice before a Mil: Commission   

Jany 23d - The Secy of War directs that the papers be referred to Maj Gen: Geo: H. Thomas commdg. Mil: Div: of the Tenn   M

Transcription Notes:
William Augustus Nichols