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Camp 16th U.S. Col. Inf.
Chattanooga Tenn. Feb. 19th 1866

Colonel Bascom:

In compliance with Special Order No. 23 from District Head Quarters Chattanooga Tenn. Feb. 14th 1866 I have the honor to state that I proceeded to Jonesboro Tenn. and made as thorough an investigation of the case of Richard E. Griffin as I deemed advisable, and I would respectfully call attention to the accompanying statements made by several of the most reliable Union men of Jonesboro Tenn. and also to the statement of Minerva Dangerfield, a colored woman who took care of Richard E. Griffin.

The information given me verbally was in substance the same as contained in the accompanying statements. I am therefore of the opinion nothing could be proven should there be a a court appointed to examine into the above named case.

Very respectfully your Obd't Serv't
E H. Wadsworth
Lt. 16th U.S.C. Inf. 

Bvt. Col. Bascom       }
Adjt. Gen. District of }
East. Tenn.            }