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Office of General Superintendent, N. & C. R. R. 
Nashville, Tenn. Sept. 17th, 1865.
 Owing to the Western and Atlantic Railroad still being in the possession of the military authorities, all freight destined for points South of Chattanooga must be prepaid, either there or at this point Freights for Knoxville are now taken through. Notice will be given as soon as the military authorities relinquish the W. & A. R. R. and arrangements are made for through freights south. 
W. P Innis,
Gen. Sup. N. & C. R. R.
Notice To Merchants And Shippers.
No receipt for goods for shipment over the N. & C. and N. & N. W. Railroads will be given by any agent or clerk at the different depots and stations, unless every package has plain shipping marks. Weight and contents of each package must also be plainly marked. This is necessary for the agent to classify the different kinds of goods. All receipts must be in duplicate, the road retaining one. These rules will be adhered to. 
E. H. Ewing,
General Freight Agent N. & C. and N. & W. R. R. 
Nashville, Sept. 21, 1865.

I will sell one half or all of this valuable property. One of the best paying stocks in the city; now under lease for five years, with the privilege of ten, from 1st July, 1865, at ten thousand dollars annually, and payable Quarterly, all well secured.
  Any gentleman wishing to invest can now have a chance, at near one hundred per cent. Over the 7-20 Bonds.
  Terms:--One-half cash; the balance from one to five years, with interest. I can be found at 11 1/2 and 12 1/4 Market street, at Morris & Stratton's old stand, or call on [[K]]. H. East, former Secretary of State, at his office, Cedar street, for terms, title, etc.
Sam'L E. Hark.

For Sale
That beautiful mansion highly improved grounds of Dr. T. B. Hamlin, near the Wire Bridge in Edgefield. The building contain- 13 rooms and 2 large halls below and porch and one above, 2 story porches and one back porch and a very large cellar, very deep and dry. Also three good store rooms  and several large closets. Also a two story new Brick Kitchen, with 3 rooms, two framed offices in the yard, two splendid Bee sheds, a carriage house, cte [[etc]], and two large cisterns Lot fronts 225 feet from on Gallatin pike, by 210 feet deep. This elegant residence is surrounded by beautiful shrubbery, shade trees and flowers, and splendidly enclosed.
 Terms easy, if application is made at once to
 Arrington & Farrar, Agents .
 No. 9 North College street,
 Or to Nelson & Murfree, Agents. 
N. B.--Dr. Hamlin is now in the city and can make arrangements, sign deed, etc., in person.
A Farm of 83 acres, of the very best land. near the Murfreesboro pike, just beyond and adjoining the farm of John Terrass, Esq., about one mile from the city limits, with a splendid orchard on it. Can be easily divided into small garden farms. Can be bough low if. you call at once on 
 Arrington & Farrar,
 No. 9 North College street.

Oysters! Oysters!! Oysters!!!
I am receiving daily from Baltimore, Fresh Oysters, and will sell the same cheap. Liberal discount made to the trade. I am prepared to fill orders from a distance at the shortest notice.
Ice Dealer, No. 1 Cridole Street,
Near Louisville Depot.

Dissolution of Copartnership.
The copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the name and style of U. Ozanne & Co. Is this day, by mutual content, dissolved.
  C. M. Donaldson having purchased the entire interest will continue the business as heretofore. Authority to adjust any unsettled business pertaining to the old firm is retained by both parties, and will be acknowledged.
 U. Ozanne,
 C. M. Donaldson.

In retiring from the above firm, I take occasion to return my sincere thanks to our friends and a generous public for the liberal patronage they been pleased to extend us, and bespeak a continuance of the same towards Mr. Donaldson, who succeeds to the conduct of the business. After a long association with him in business, it affords me peculiar pleasure to testify to his eminent business capacity, honesty, industry, fidelity and promptness.
 U. Ozanne.

Always on hand at the
Rock City Lime Works, 
Lebanon Pike,
Near the Water-works, as cheap as can be brought of the same quality anywhere.
  Will be delivered at Kiln Prices at any place in the city when a load or more is ordered. Orders left at G. W. Owen's, corner Broad and Front streets, will receive prompt attention.
F. O. Hurt.

To Quartermasters and Others.
 Quartermasters and Commissaries who wish the services of Lieut H. Matthews, Government Auctioneer, in selling stock or stores, can leave their orders at the office of Captain E. B. Kirk, No. 88 Cherry street.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed, but had to perform massive edits. I did proofread afterwords, but wouldn't hurt to re-review.