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of such Freedman and family: And all time lost from labor in consequence of sickness & inability as well as absence, to be deducted from the wages of such freedman, information of such loss of time to be given as soon as practicable (in waiting) to the local superintendant by the employer or his or her agent.

11 No Freedman to be allowed to trespass on the property of others; nor to make visits in the plantations or farms on which they are not employed, without first obtaining the consent of the owners thereof; for such trespass, the trespasser shall be arrested and punished by the local superintendant.

12. All employers of Freedman shall make contract for labor, as required in the foregoing articles & therein set forth the amount of wages agreed on, and the manner of payment. The crops to be cultivated shall be held responsible and liable for the payment of such wages

13. The employer shall provide for the Freedman and his family, a comfortable House and not less [[?]] half acre of Land. for each family to cultivate. Each full hand shall be provided and supplied every week with 3lbs of Bacon and 10 quarts of corn meal, or their equivalent in other provisions - all to be of good quality; other Laborers not full hands to be furnished each week with one peck of corn meal & such amount of Meat as may be agreed on in the contract; and shall allow the Freedmen and their families to cut and use all the necessary firewood to be used by them on the premises. All of which shall be allowed free of charge.

14 The employer shall also provide the adult non-laboring members of the Freedman's families with one peck of corn meal for each one every week, and to the children too young to labor, with a proper supply of corn meal issued for their subsistence, the expense of which, shall be