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charged to and deducted from the wages of the laboring Freedmen connected with such families. He shall also provide the Freedmen and their families with medicines and proper attention during their sickness, to be paid for by and deducted from the wages of the laboring Freedmen of such families. 

15. The employer shall protect & bestow friendly care over the freedmen & their families so long as they are engaged in his service; and refrain from inflicting any physical punishment; whenever any cause of complaint occurs, he shall make the same known in writing to the nearest local superintendant. He shall allow the local and general superintendants of the Freedmen to visit them on his Plantations whenever they desire to do so without interruption; but no other person shall be authorized to go on any plantation or farm without the owner's consent

16. A superintendant [[superintendent]] shall be appointed by the Freedmen's Bureau to be located in each county or district of a state, whose duty it shall be to examine & witness all contracts made with freedmen laboring within the bounds of his district to retain one copy of the same, and to enforce the faithful performance of such contracts, to hear and examine into the complaints of either party, and to decide the justice of such complaints, to protect the rights & interests of the freedmen in cases of oppression, & whenever necessary to inflict such punishment on the freedmen & their families by solitary confinement, as justice may demand in conformity with the foregoing regulations, and the articles of agreement between the two parties. It shall