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be the duty of the local agents, to see that the employers furnish each freedman employed by him with a certificate of employment; and it shall be their duty to arrest and confine all freedmen within their districts, who have not made labor contracts for the year, unless such Freedmen shall give satisfactory evidence of being possessed of visible means to provide for the wants of himself and his family. 

17. A general superintendant [[superintendent]] for each state, shall be appointed by the freedman's Bureau, whose duty it shall be to have oversight and control of the local superintendants  [[superintendents]] of his state, to enforce the proper performance of their duties; to consider, confirm or annul the decisions of the local superintendants  [[superintendents]], in all cases of dissatisfaction, which may be referred to him by either contracting party; to superintend, direct and protect the safety and interests of the Freedmen; to direct their intellectual, & moral & religious training; to appoint, control or exclude all teachers of freedmen, who are located among them. 

18. A charge of 25 c. cents shall be made and collected by the local superintendant [[superintendent]], at the time of making the contract, from all employers for each freedman signing such contract. 10. cents of which charge for each freedman, shall be retained by the local superintendants  [[superintendents]] and 5 cents for each freedman, shall be paid over to the general superintendant [[superintendent]]of the state, as a fee to pay & compensate the local and general superintendants [[superintendents]] for their services; and no other charge or payment to be made for the performance of their duties; the balance of the funds so collected, to be applied towards the expense of establishing prisons, & providing for the support & care of prisoners