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from labor his wages shall cease and he shall yet be chargeable with the expense of supporting the non-supporting members of his family.

10. Should it so occur during the time of contract that from death or other disability, per this part of the laboring Freedman, that his service should be so destroyed or diminished, as to reduce his or her wages below the amount needed to provide for their own and their family expenses: then the local Superintendent shall have such Freedmen, with his or her family, at the written request of the employer's, removed immediately from the premises and the employer relieved from any further care or responsibility of such Freedmen and family; and all time lost from labor in consequence of sickness and viability as well as absence to be deducted from the wages of each Freedman, information of such loss of time to be given as soon as practicable (in writing) to the local Superintendent by the employer, or his or her agent. 

11. No Freedman to be allowed to trespass on the property of others, nor to make visits on the Plantations or Farmers on which they are not employed, without first obtaining the consent of the owners thereof; for such trespass the trespassers shall be arrested and punished by the local Superintendent. 

12. All employers of Freedmen shall make contracts for labor, as required in the foregoing articles, and therein act forth this amount of wages agreed on,  and the manners of payment. The crops to be cultivated shall be held responsible and liable for the payment of such wages. 

13. The employer shall provide for the Freedman and his family, a comfortable home and not less than  half acre of land for each family to cultivate. Each full hand shall