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District, to retain one copy of the same, and to enforce the faithful performance of such contracts, to hear and examine into the complaints of either party, and to decide the justice of such complaints, to protect the rights and interests of the Freedmen in case of oppression, and whenever was savvy, to inflict such punishment on the Freedmen and their families by solitary confinement as justice may demand in conformity with the foregoing regulations and the articles of agreement between the two parties. It shall be the duty of the local agents to see that the employees furnish each Freedman employed by him with a certificate of employment; and it shall be their duty to arrest and confine all freedmen within their districts who have not made labor contracts for the year, unless such Freedman shall give satisfactory evidence of being possessed of visible means to provide for the wants of himself and family. 

17. A General Superintendent for each State shall be appointed by the Freedmen's Bureau, whose duty it shall be to have oversight and control of the local Superintendents of his State; to enforce the proper performance of their duties, to consider, confirm or annul the decisions of the local Superintendents, in all cases of dissatisfaction which may be referred to him by either contracting party, to superintend, direct, and protect the safety and interests of the Freedmen; to direct their intellectual and moral training; to appoint, control, or exclude all Teachers of Freedmen, who are located among them.

18. A charge of 25 cents shall be made and collected by the local Superintendent at the time of making the Contract, from all employers for each Freedmen requiring such contract, (10) cents of which each Freedmen, shall be retained by the local superintendent, and (5) five cents for