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erned by the status of the former owner, and not by the position of an individual who alleges that he has purchased the property since the order of Gen. Sherman was issued.
Gen. Howard's telegram from Mobile says "Dispatch of second received. Be sure to have the Supervising Boards constituted for each locality before anything else is done. They can aid in making the agreement referred to by Mr. Stanton." Does this mean that all the Boards are to be constituted i.e. for each of every island and other locality included within Gen. Sherman's order before any restorations are made on any of the islands? And, until I receive further orders, are restorations to be made only in case a joint mutual agreement can be arranged between the pardon owners and the freedmen? In the latter event is there to be a formal restoration, or am I only to see that the agreement is carried into effect as Mr. Stanton's telegram reads.

By S.F.O. No. 2 I read "II He is further charged with extending S.F.O. No. 1, and the action as to the Edisto estates to the other estates affected by Gen Sherman's Order above referred to. "&c Is not.