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To accomplish your object. All U.S. arms will be turned over to the nearest U.S. Military Authorities."

This is signed by Ja's. M. Kennard, Adjt. Gen of Miss. A law has been passed by the Legislature prohibiting any person leasing land to persons of color. 

No one is allowed to work for himself all being declared vagrants who are not under contract. Thus forcing upon them slavery as much as before. 

As yet I have not received my letter of appointment or instructions, and can do nothing over the line till I have full authority. There are several Freedmen who have permits from the various commanders of The Dist. of West Tenn. Their arms and ammunition have been taken as well as others having no permits. 

I wish for full instructions. I do not desire a conflict with the Miss. State troops acting by orders of Their Govenor, he evidently has mistaken the real status of the status of the Freedman and