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Executive Mansion Guard
Washington D.C.
December 6th 1865

Major Gen. O.O. Howard 

Please Pardon my addressing you I am a private Soldier formerly belonging to Co. K. 24th Regt Capt James Sutherland but now doing duty at the Executive Mansion

When under Capt Sutherland I deposited Eighty Dollars ($80.00) with him from which Amount I Recd fifty Dollars ($50.00 leaving a ballance of thirty Dollars $30.00 still due me

I have been to the Hotel he boarded in several times but failed to see him on yesterday I again went there and learning Gen that he was assigned to your Command and Capt Sutherland knowing where I am stationed without coming to see me before his Departure

Gen Please pardon this my humble petition to you to aid or Direct me in obtaining the money due me by Capt. Sutherland - as I am in much need of the money